Sloggers Will Pay YOU to Recycle Your Sloggers!

Recycle Your Sloggers. We’ll Reuse your Sloggers, and we’ll pay you to do it!

Sloggers® Made in the USA Waterproof Shoes and Boots have announced our “Commitment to Sustainability” Program launched in January of 2015.

In addition to utilizing Best Manufacturing Practices (BMP’s) with regards to the environment, our goal here at the factory is to reduce our solid waste stream by maximizing the amount of recycled material we put back into our shoes.  Currently, we can add up to 50% of mixed recycled material into the soles of our boots and shoes.

With that goal in mind, Sloggers is announcing a “Reuse and Recycle” program aimed at encouraging our customers to return their boots or shoes when they have finally worn out.  Sloggers will grind them up and put them back into a new pair!— Here’s how it works:

When you are ready to send your Sloggers back here is how the program works:

  1. Visit:
  2. Click on the “Recycle my Sloggers” link and download the recycling form
  3. Fill out the form ensuring you provide all of your contact information
  4. Ship the form and your old Sloggers to our Sloggers factory at:

1136 W

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  1. Once we receive your Sloggers, we will email you a coupon code for $5.00 to be used at our online store plus Free Shipping!

If you have any questions, please shoot an email to and our customer service crew will get back with you in a jiffy!

Sloggers for Life,

David Hoyt, President and Owner

#sloggersforlife #recycle #reuse